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Monday, May 23, 2011

My Sister's Keeper

I finally finished this lovely book just a few minutes ago. I've been reading it slowly over the course of the entire 10-week quarter (2 weeks left!).

Overall, this book was nothing like I expected. I'm not entirely sure I remember what I expected, other than either a really sappy and over-worked 'inspirational' story or a whiny teenager that just kills her sister off. Probably more of the first, considering the length and the apparent need to turn it into a movie that I have yet to see.

What I loved most about this book is how in depth Jodi Picoult went with the characters. The point of view changes frequently, but not in an irritating fashion where you're left wondering about the bits you missed. She goes into her characters' thoughts and explores their history, which they all have. They all have something about them that makes them extremely real and very easy to relate to, and you learn these things through exploring their history.

I won't talk much about the ending, but I will say that it left me in tears despite my strange ability to predict those kinds of things. It was just moving in how all of the events laid out before me and you just see the end coming at you like you might see a stray ball flying toward you just a moment too late to do anything about it.

My Sister's Keeper was a beautiful book that definitely is well deserving of its reputation. I read it because I'd heard about the movie, but wanted to make sure I read the book first. Now, I'm not so sure I want to see the movie.

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