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Friday, May 20, 2011


Why hello there my dear sweet reader! I'll try not to bore you for too long.

In case you didn't get the memo already, I've decided that you may call me "Storm." I have no particular poetic inner meaning for this. I just really love a good storm. I'd say something about my explosive tendencies, but those are closer to volcanic.

I use my Tumblr for style inspiration, since I've been dressing the same way since middle school. You know, the typical T-shirt and jeans get up that those of us adopt who are either too lazy to do anything else or whose parents are too tight to buy you new clothes unless you outgrew them 2 years ago.

Not that I'm bitter or anything.

Here, I intend to be much more personal. I'll write, rant, reflect and brag. If you're lucky, I'll post pictures. Just don't count your blessings. I am no fan of having creepers come looking for me on Facebook.

If you have any questions, comments or just want to talk, feel free to do so! I love new people, so long as they're not making sexual advances (I should warn you now: I'm not interested. You could be Aries himself and I'd still say no.) Either leave a comment somewhere on this blog, or feel free to traipse along to my Ask Box on Tumblr and I'll more than happily respond.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you come again soon!

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