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Friday, May 20, 2011

End of the World?

According to some people, the Rapture is upon us tomorrow.

Personally? I'm pretty skeptical. The 'calculation' used to determine tomorrow as the day God collects His own and leaves everyone else to think about what they've done before they die is based on one man's symbolic system that defines 5, 10, and 17 as the all-powerful numbers of the Bible.

Now, all in all, I'd say I'm pretty Spiritual. Not overly religious, but I do believe in God as well as some other things. But I just can't find it in me to believe in all of these Doomsday predictions--especially from a man who already predicted a previous End of the World back in 1994.

From what I understand of Revelations (being what most people have told me since I haven't read the Bible cover to cover yet), it tells you all you need to know about how the world will end. Most importantly, it tells you that we will not know when the End is upon us. That's right. All of our doomsday predictions are basically worthless. You may as well predict every day as the end, which I'm sure if you added up every single person's predictions from the entire planet you would have every day.

There are supposed to be all sorts of things that we mistake for the End, but it won't be. It's supposed to happen without us ever realizing that it's about to. Through all of the disasters, wars and predictions, the actual revisiting of the Lord is supposed to catch us off guard.

Now, whether we manage to kill ourselves off completely before then is a whole other matter.

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