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Monday, July 25, 2011

Red Shoes

The Red Shoes happens to be my absolute favorite children's story. Yes, it is indeed a children's story. It also a children's story that hasn't had any terribly popular "happy ending" adaptations. In fact, it has even become the inspiration for a Korean horror film by the same name. 

I doubt I'll ever understand fully why I always loved this story more than others. Originally, it caught my attention as a kid for the ballet. But even later on in life, I still remembered the story so well and still feel a fondness for it to this day. 

In actuality, it is a great story to warn children about vanity. And about dressing appropriately for church. 

So now I'll present to you the original format I discovered this story (except imagine it on a little television, recorded onto a video tape). 

I would also like to add at this moment that I finally got myself a job! So now I'm a working woman again. I am also under very stressful circumstances at the moment. I really wish I had more things to post and the energy to do so frequently, but I do not. So I'm sorry if I'm keeping anyone waiting. 

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