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Sunday, July 10, 2011


I love dreams. I have all sorts of dreams. But as I've just started watching "Camelot," I'm reminded of a dream I had once. I don't exactly remember when, but it was definitely within the past couple of years.

I dreamed I had gone to Avalon. I had wandered off from my family, I think. And so I was housed by a couple of wise witches who did their best to help me get back. They advised me not to eat anything and although I was certainly enjoying my time there playing in the fields under a golden sun and magical sky they warned me when my time was almost out. They told me that if I stayed too long, I would never be able to go home. Yet I stayed and lingered, until the worlds seemed to collide and when I looked out from the window in the house I could see my family waiting for me. Time was short, and the witches hurried me out the door back to my family before it was too late.

This dream felt so real. So very real. My memory of it may have faded for the most part, but it was a brilliant dream that I do wish to hang on to to the best of my ability. I don't mind if people think of me as foolish for perhaps believing that the soul can travel while our bodies slumber or not believing that reality can only be shaped one way.

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