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Friday, July 15, 2011

Empowered by:

M81 Spiral Galaxy. Ultraviolet image from NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer.

This is more or less a response to a couple of posts I read on another site. The themes of these posts are what make you truly beautiful and feel empowered.

Because true beauty isn't genetic. It's in your actions, your values and your belief in yourself. Sure, there is a lot of outward beauty, but I've come to learn first hand that if you don't allow yourself to embody something beautiful the rest of the world will frequently turn blind to your outward beauty.

For me, I feel empowered by my beliefs.  I believe that everything we receive is what we've earned and that if we dislike it we always have the ability to evaluate ourselves and improve. I also believe that our hardest times are our biggest gifts, because that's when we're given the biggest opportunity to shine with our greatest light. 

I believe that we all have the power to embody the beauty of the universe. We just have to believe it to be there and to be 100% possible. 

What's important to keep in mind is that we will not all have the same path to empowerment. My belief in the power to overcome yourself and situation is certainly shared by others, but the value I place in it is my own due to the events in my life. For some people, empowerment and beauty may come through the unconditional love of their children or spouse, or through an indescribable need to be there to help those around them, or through the sense of freedom gained by running miles at a time. 

My question to you is: What empowers you?

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