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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge

This video has 9 parts. I encourage watching all the way through.

After watching this, I just want to say that in a way, I can understand why some people kill themselves. I don't know the particular reasons or the things that push them over or the demons they struggle with. But I do understand that feeling of wanting to die. Sometimes, you don't even really want to die. Sometimes, you just want to disappear for a while, or just not wake up for a while. But the pain of facing the next day is often far too great to wait it out. Sometimes, it's not even about waiting it out. Sometimes, it's just about finally breaking free.

I'm still very unsure of how I feel, spiritually, about suicide. I don't know if these people, by trying to find the shortcut out of their suffering, are only forced to face it for eternity in the end. But I'm not sure, either, if by killing yourself you are freeing yourself from your mortal form to join with the harmony of the universe, either.

In the end, my personal views on the end result doesn't change my opinion on how someone who is struggling should be treated. I've known people who only get mad at the person already suffering. I, myself, have done it in my own way as well. I saw no reason why somebody else couldn't face their demons and find happiness again if I had been able to.

Anger, though, is never the way to deal with anybody. I was also incredibly stupid in thinking that I had already overcome all of my obstacles at such a young age. I've struggled plenty with episodes of depression since then, and probably will again in the future.

We all feel, think, and struggle in different ways, though we all experience it. You can't save everyone, and some people don't want saving. This isn't about saving anybody.

It's about understanding each other, and trying to help your fellow humans through their battles. Even if you have trouble understanding suicide, do try to understand that every single living being you have ever encountered has experienced, is experiencing, and will experience some form of suffering in their life, whether it be great or small--and when we suffer, we all look for something to help take it away.

My question to you is: What would you do if somebody, anybody, either confessed they were going to kill themselves or were in the act of killing themselves?

Hint: There is no right answer.

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