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Sunday, June 19, 2011


My big summer project is to get the house clean. Top to bottom. Everything. I'm even willing to go try out cool home decorating projects. Heck, if I have to clean the floor with a toothbrush, I might just do it if only so that I can tell young children in the future that I did.

Now, why aren't I cleaning? Because I have no idea where to begin. We've all got a bit of packrat in us.

But if I can get the place clean and cleared out of junk, I imagine we'd have all sorts of space for other way more exciting projects from cooking to sewing to crafts and such.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Just so this is out there, should you ever try to get me to define my situation when it comes to relationships and sex, yes: The answer would be that I'm am, by definition, asexual.

I don't feel any particular desire to go have sex. I don't see people and think "Oh, I'd like to have sex with them." And it irritates me beyond belief the sexual objectification that goes on in society. Especially when people start getting into zodiac and other stuff, because the moment they hear I'm a scorpio, they just assume that my entire essence of being is about having sex and suddenly guys are asking me out.

However, when most people ask, I just tell them "I don't date." Because I don't. I've been on a couple dates and flat out hated it. I don't get into relationships. I just don't do that stuff.

Why? Well, probably because of all the sexual objectification.

So now to the originally planned spiel on Labels:

I think the labeling of 'sexual' or 'asexual' orientation is, for the most part, extremely useless and has been taken way too far.

The way I see it, it shouldn't matter if you're gay, bi, straight, asexual, biromantic, demisexual, or whatever. Having the names there to identify it so that, in the event that something is happening against your preferences, you can tell them "Hey, no thank you. I'm ____" and then move on with your lives.

Actually, this should apply to everything. Whether you're black, asian, christian, wiccan, satanist, or anything else. It's your personal identification, but it shouldn't become your restriction.

Labels have gotten way out of hand. This is why: because there is power in a name.

Whether you scoff at that idea or not, I think we all know it's true. How many of us have had our full names turned against us when our parents are angry?

There's a reason I don't tell people my middle name. The only use it has had is to get me to do things for my parents. Would I give that same power to someone I just met on the street? Hell no.

Actually, it works with your regular name, too. When you tell someone your First(+Last) name, what does that enable them to do?

  • Look you up in a phonebook
  • Find your Facebook, Myspace, and any other social networking site you might be associated with
  • Google you to find pictures
  • Stop you in public to say "Hello" and start conversations
  • Ask you to do them a favor
So when you go around asserting yourself as Gay, Lesbian, Asexual, Demisexual, Satanist, Wiccan, Christian and so on, you're giving similar power to others. Sometimes it can be good and sometimes it can be hurtful.

I do not believe that they are things that should be hidden for convenience. I just think that our focus on them is outrageous.

You shouldn't have to tell anyone about sexual orientation unless it comes up in a private conversation. 

And then, if it is brought up, it shouldn't hold such a huge impact over people. 


Because we are all HUMANS. We are human beings and we share our space with each other. We share our lives, experiences, joys, sorrows, and so much more with everyone we ever encounter without even intending to. Just because someone does not share your own reality does not make them human. We all have blood that pumps oxygen through our bodies, brains that send electric impulses through the synapses between neurons to make your body move, think, breathe, digest and pee. 

Your employer doesn't need to know your sexual orientation, but if it were to come up it should have zero effect on your employment or paycheck. 

The Government shouldn't have any control over what people of different walks of life do. It's none of their business. They exist to protect the overall well-being, not to put pointless restrictions on everyone to feed their God-complex. 

If a man wants to marry a man, that's really none of your business. 

If a man or woman does not want to have sex and has never had sex, it should not induce an incredulous gasp from those around. Is it really that big of a deal? No, it is not.

Similarly, if a man or woman admits to having a lot of sex and enjoying it, it should not induce an incredulous gasp from those around. Because it really is not that big of a deal.

Just because a man is gay doesn't mean he wants to get with you. 

And this just does on and on.

I hate the huge explosions that occur over something of such little overall importance.